The Real Cathy Guerriero

In a recently sent email Cathy Guerriero called me a disgruntled parent. Well the truth is that I am a concerned parent and as a concerned parent I felt it necessary to disclose an audio tape of Cathy Guerriero verbal abusing a student and threatening not to allow him to take the English regent exam. The incident occurred on June 16, 2017. Two days prior, Guerriero violated New York State education law by forbidding this student from taking his America history regent by bullying him as you will hear/heard on the audio recording. She was told by both the LaSalle’s  attorney Louis Giordano and the parent’s attorney not to be involved in the test taking process.

The audio recording starts with the student being dropped off by his family member and the student tells his family member that he does not need this (referring to his jacket.) The first LaSalle voice doesn’t appear until 58 second into the audio recording and Cathy Guerriero’s voice appears at one minute and one second (1:01) and announces in a threatening voice that the child slammed a door in her face, yet there is no sound of a slamming door on the audio recording. Oddly enough, the alleged door slamming occurred at LaSalle’s annex on East 2nd  Street. The door to the annex opens outwards towards the street and that means that when Cathy Guerriero enter the door she was behind the student and in front of the door.

Guerriero’s voice is threatening throughout the entire audio recording and when I asked the  child why he did not response to her, he noted, “that if I said anything she wasn’t going to let me take my regents so I kept my mouth shut until Mary Kenny arrived” (Mary Kenny throughout the entire tape acts in a professional manner and per the child treated him with the utmost respect.) Throughout the audio recording Guerriero also refers to herself in the third person and her voice gets louder and more threatening as she attacks him and at one point Guerriero states that the student “he is menacing her.”  I had asked the student, what was going through his mind at this point, he stated that, “he feared that Guerriero was going to physically attack him and stood up straight and stared into her eyes.” Guerriero then asked the student, “if he had a problem and called him stupid” at this point the student responded, “like you.” When I asked the student why he responded with those words the student stated, “I hoped that it would show her how bad she was acting,” Instead of taking a step back Guerriero continued her verbal assault on the student and stated, “don’t call me names.” In reality, the student never called her a name, but just stated what she had stated about his behavior.

Cathy Guerriero has stated in her email, “that this blog is filled with scurrilous lies and defamatory statements towards our beloved school and members of our administrative leadership team. ”

Truth is this blog was to inform the parents and students about the cover-ups and underhanded way students are treated at LaSalle. As a parent, I talk with my child everyday about school and life in general, as I know many of you do. I am not looking to hurt LaSalle or any of the students there. When I first discussed the inappropriate touching incident with Kerry Conroy and Jerome Pannell my concern was not only for my child, but the entire student body. I was concerned about how LaSalle was going to prevent this from happening again. During the meeting, I looked at Jerome Pannell he looked like I was wasting his time.

I did not edit this audio recording, nor did I block out his name. I believe in full transparency and I am sure some of you can now figure out who the author of this blog is. With that being said I would like to leave you with this one question How would you response if Cathy Guerriero spoke to your child like this?

9 thoughts on “The Real Cathy Guerriero

  1. This is a tough thing to hear an listen to, as i am a La Salle alumnist. If i was a parent i wouldn’t want my child to experience that encounter. In regards to Jerome Pannell however, I have known that man for many years as i was an integral part of athletics many years ago. He looks out for each and every single one of La Salle’s students. As someone whom son even attends La Salle now, Jerome wouldn’t want anything to happen to anybody’s child, including his own. Pannell has been nothing short of a mentor to me as he has looked out for me in numerous ways. He has helped my growth as a person ever since i met the guy.


  2. Wow this is unbelievable. I can’t believe that in 2017 we still have administrators who bully students. I am wondering why Cathy Guerriro and Jerome Pannell have not been removed. This is a private Catholic school and I am guessing the Archidiossis hasn’t been notified of the improper business going on in this school. When improper behavior happens they have a responsibility to handle it for the sake of all the other students. I am assuming that didn’t happen in this case. It is very unnerving to hear Cafhy Guerriro call the parents disgruntled. I will be feeling the same way if i was the parents of the child. Question for the rest of the parents and not the children reading this “Do you know everything that is happening behind close doors once your child goes into that building?” Try asking your child what is going on with those 2 people. As many people saw an email sent to everyone with vulgar language was no doubr the child of one of the administrators. I stopped and questioned what are they learning in that school and I guess the parent didn’t care. It was no hack #Santos. I will also assume the kids commenting have been instructed by these 2 people. #removeCathyGuerreroandJeromePannell. More parents should be feeling very unnerved with this situation and God knows how many others. Thanks for the information.


  3. I think that everything about Jerome here is absalutely wrong. I loved Jerome and I new that he was a man. Cathy has taken Jerome away from me and I now don’t like them. She is a treats me and my fat son unfairly and I don’t appreciate that. I would like a change in the administration to get out of dr. Guerrero’s tyranny. I have never had to work under such horrible conditions in my life. I fear her because I didn’t go to college and I don’t know how I’m going to feed my son. He is such a hungry young boy that just keeps getting Wider and wider.


    1. I allowed this comment because it was without a doubt the worst comment written. I did not response because there is no help for the child who wrote this. It looks like their future job is at a car wash


  4. I just finished listening to the audio recordings and I must say I was taken back by its content. If Dr. Guerriero worked for the New York City Department of Education she would be on her way to a reassignment center. How dare she threaten a student like that and belittle him by calling him stupid. If any principal in the NYCDOE denied a student a state exam they would be brought up on charges and terminated. I can’t believe that this woman ran for political office in the last election. Here is a bit of advice for Dr. Guerriero. Find a new career.


  5. Dr. Guerriero has been bullying everyone for 3 years – staff, students, etc. There has been an exodus of faculty leaving the school because of this. Their comments are the same regarding how Dr. Guerriero is the reason for their leaving. Some of them are seasoned veterans who are beloved by students, parents, and other faculty. It is the Board of Directors of La Salle that is to blame. They have heard so many complaints, but refuse to respond because Dr. Guerriero is great at fundraising. I feel bad for this school. They do have great potential, but have been hijacked by a real adult bully!


  6. Catherine Guerriero is a bully and when you bring the bullying that goes on in the school between faculty against students, Catherine will use her voice to menace the parents back and accuse them of disloyalty to the school. Jerome Parnell is no better, since he does not speak up against the injustice Catherine committed for many years at the school with students and staff. Unfortunately the Archdiocese dismisses complaints because the school is a separate entity managed by the board of directors.

    However, by the grace of God and Karma, Catherine is now leaving the school. She will no longer be the President nor the Principal of the school. One down, one to go.


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